Service support
Process departments have been created at Service Divisions under the supervision of chief process engineers and chief engineers, whose task is to ensure the efficiency of engineering and technological interaction with customers, operational and production planning and work management.
TSS Group’s CTE provides a full cycle of services applying well completion assemblies, including:
- expert and engineering support for well operations;
- well systems assembly, running and activation control;
- field supervising;
- job analysis and correction, as well as other functions as agreed with the customer.

Casing running
A division rendering casing spinning and running services and providing engineering support has been established at TSS Group. Before commencing work, the analysis and simulation of casing running (CR) is carried out using modern software.
Services are provided using the Company-owned equipment of the Canadian manufacturer Volant, the global leader in manufacturing of casing spinning and running equipment. This equipment allows for spinning, backoff, reciprocating, rotation, top-up, circulation and cementing of casing and liner hangers, while reducing nonproductive time and associated costs.
Main advantages:
- Design compatibility and efficiency reduces the number of people and equipment used on the drill-site;
- Easy assembly and disassembly of the tool contributes to increased operational efficiency;
- Lack of hydraulics eliminates the risk of hydraulic hoses freezing/bursting, which increases the temperature range when the CR is possible;
- Ability to perform various engineering tasks using one piece of equipment reduces downtime;
- Ability to switch to casing and liner hanger rotation and reciprocation reduces friction while running;
- Patented casing spider system maximizes the tightness of contact with the casing inside, eliminating casing or liner hanger slippage or deformation;
In order to optimize well construction and improve the services quality, this service includes:
- On-site engineering support of the CR process by specialists at the Customer's site;
- Work plan preparation;
- Drafting of a detailed work execution report;
- Installation/dismantling and repair of own equipment;
- Advising the Customer on the issues arising.
Technical characteristics of the casing spinning and running applied:
- Load-bearing capacity – 350 t;
- Available casing diameters –178 - 508 mm;
- Maximum torque — 67.7 kN * m;
- Temperature range – ±40°С;
- Maximum rotation speed — no restrictions;
Casing cementing
TSS Group provides a full range of services for casing and liner hangers cementing as well as repair and isolation works. The Company has a flexible approach and applies various schemes when rendering cementing services in compliance with the customers’ needs.
TSS Group employs highly qualified personnel with experience in cementing, as well as repair and insulation experience in various geological and climatic conditions. The specific character of the services is in the development of requirements for the cement slurries properties, the cementing procedure parameters and their implementation when operating on the drill-site. The development is based on the data obtained using the program for predictive calculation of the tight well case formation.
The scope of engineering services provided includes the following:
- The required values of the cementing slurries properties, technological parameters of cementing and the mode for formulation selection are calculated based on the current geology and technical conditions;
- The Cementing Program is developed and agreed with the Customer;
- The cementing slurry formulations are selected in accordance with the design requirements;
- Engineering management of the cementing process at the drill-site is carried out in accordance with the agreed Program.

Casing drilling
TSS Group provides casing drilling services. This technology improves the string quality since drilling and casing of each meter of the well is performed simultaneously, thus eliminating the need for separate running with casing and liner hanger. Once the target depth is reached, the wellbore is ready for cementing.
The cuttings drilled when drilling for the CR are rubbed into the borehole walls, which results in such a phenomenon as mechanical wall packing that helps to strengthen the borehole walls and improves the quality of cementing. The mechanical wall packing helps to reduce non-productive time.
Technology advantages:
- Reduced number of pulling-and-running operations;
- Simplification of work for the drilling unit personnel;
- Traditional actions in case of gas, oil, or water inflow;
- Casing/liner hangers running to the bottom;
- The possibility of casing elimination increases the drilling efficiency;
- Possibility to use lower density mortar;
- Reduction or elimination of the absorption problem;
- Reducing risks and solving in-well problems.