Тie- Back Packer
Max OD in:
4.764 / 5.551 / 5.984 / 8.268
Liner size in:
4.000 / 4.500 / 5.000 / 7.637
The Tie-Back Packer is designed to eliminate the leakage of the corresponding liner top packer. After running to the target depth, the tie-back packer is stabbed in the PBR and activated by slacking off the weight. After pressure test of the annulus, the running tool is released by applying pressure or by pulling the work string.
Тie-back Packer is designed to isolate the leakages in the liner top packer and annular fluid migration. The packer provides reliable fluid separation and prevents annular fluid migration. The packer allows to perform hydraulic fracturing with the UGRH stinger.