TSS Group in International Forum “World Quality Day – 2022”

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TSS Group in International Forum “World Quality Day – 2022”
From 7 to 11 November 2022, the international forum “World Quality Day – 2022”, timed to the World Quality Day in Russia, was the main quality discussion platform of our country. Events were held in Moscow, Kazan, Great Novgorod and in the format of online broadcasting viewed from 81 countries. Popularization of the best practices for anti-crisis management, enhancement of business process efficiency in various industries, attainment of sustainable development by companies in the situation of uncertainty and import substitution program implementation issues were discussed in 45 thematic sessions. The event was sponsored by RF Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Roskachestvo (Russian Quality System), Rosstandart (RF Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology, Rosakkreditatsiya (RF National Accreditation System) and National Research Centre of Competencies in the sphere of Countermeasures against Illicit Trafficking of Industrial Products).

On 8 November, in the session «Current Prospects of Certification and Appraisal of Compliance of Oil, Petrochemical and Gas Companies”, held by Pavel Anatolievich Nikanorov, General Director of AJA Registrars LLC, TSS Group's Quality Director shared the experience in development and transformation of the Company's QMS. “We are the first in the world and Russia to have been certified for compliance with the INTI S.QS.1-2020 quality management system standard. It is pioneer experience for us”, Andrey Valerievich Dogadkin noted.

In his speech he informed the audience about the difficulties related to simultaneous use of several QMS standards, about the ways of solving the revealed noncompliances, voiced the special wishes regarding the new INTI certification program which is being formed in Russia. TSS Group's Quality Director spoke for establishment of an uniform certification system for all of the oil and gas companies, which would be recognized by all of the oil and gas sector membersб including foreign ones, which could fit any customer and would meet every requirement of the present-day realities.


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