Our Company's Commitments in the Field of Ecology and Environmental Protection
TSS Group declares its commitment to the sustainable development principles, which means a balanced and socially acceptable combination of economic growth and preservation of a favorable environment for future generations.
Based on this, the Company assumes the following obligations, which it will fulfill and require their fulfillment from its partners, contractors and counterparties:
- Ensure compliance with environmental standards and requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, international environmental regulations and the legislation of the countries of operation.
- Ensure the mitigation of negative impact on the environment and resource conservation, take all possible measures to preserve the climate, biodiversity, as well as compensate for possible damage to the environment.
- Take preventive measures to prevent negative impact on the environment, which means the priority of preventive measures to preclude negative impact over measures to eliminate the consequences of such impact.
- Ensure compliance with the standards and requirements for ensuring environmental safety when developing hydrocarbon deposits on the continental shelf and in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.
- Improve energy efficiency of production processes; take measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
- Provide for the minimizing of the environmental impact, including to natural objects with increased vulnerability and objects, the protection and preservation of which is of particular importance, at all investment project stages.
- Take into account the interests and rights of indigenous minorities to maintain a traditional way of life and preserve their original habitat.
- Ensure the involvement of the Company's employees in activities to reduce environmental risks, continuous improvement of the environmental management system and environmental protection indicators.
- Increase the competence and awareness of the role of the Company's employees in resolving issues associated with environmental protection.
- Ensure full availability of environmental information related to the Company's activities in the field of environmental protection and decisions taken in this area.